- İşletme-Ekonomi Veritabanları
Güncelleme Tarihi: 03 Nisan 2018
Gösterim: 5683
İşletme-Ekonomi Veritabanları
Directory of Open Access Journals
Agriculture and Food Sciences Arts and Architecture Biology and Life Sciences Business and Economics Chemistry Earth and Environmental Sciences Health Sciences History and Archaeology Languages and Literatures Law and Political Science Mathematics and statistics Philosophy and Religion Physics and Astronomy Social Sciences Technology and Engineering General Works konularında aralarında hakemli olanlarında bulunduğu 3271 dergiyi içeren serbest erişimli bir veri tabanıdır.
Erişim Adresi : https://doaj.org/
The Library of Economics and Liberty
The Library of Economics and Liberty features educational resources for the study of economics. Materials include Over 100 classic and modern online books and essays on economics, by authors including Adam Smith, James M. Buchanan, Frédéric Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich A. Hayek, Frank Knight, David Ricardo, Frederic Bastiat, Jeremy Bentham, Alfred Marshall, and more. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, David R. Henderson, ed., an encyclopedia containing articles by over 100 economists, plus biographies of over 80 famous economists. Monthly economics articles by professors and thinkers, including frequent contributions by Mike Munger, Fred McChesney, and articles by David Levy and Sandra Peart on the origins of the term "the dismal science" and the history of economic thought. An economics blog, EconLog, with co-bloggers Bryan Caplan and Arnold Kling, on topics ranging from free trade to immigration to the influence of economic thought on films, comics, and novels. A weekly economics podcast, EconTalk, with host Russell Roberts, including book reviews and educational discussions on economics, political economy, political science, and markets, featuring interviews with Nobel Laureates, authors, and business leaders. Monthly columns on economic topics of interest outside the United States by Anthony de Jasay and Ibsen Martinez. Fully searchable free resources for students and teachers at all education levels, including high school, college, graduate school, home-schoolers, post-graduate self-education. Resources are chosen to appeal to a variety of interests, from academic research to casual curiosity.
Access Address : http://www.econlib.org/
Türkiye'deki Sanayi Odaları, Ticaret Odaları, Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasına üye olup, kapasite raporu yaptırmış yaklaşık 45.000 üretici firmanin bulunduğu Sanayi Veritabanı'ndan bu firmalar hakkında aşağıdaki bilgiler sunulmaktadır. Firma adı Firma adresi Firma telefonu Firma faksı Firmada çalışan toplam personel sayısı Firmanın ürettiği malın kodu ve adı Mal bazında toplam kapasite miktarı
Erişim Adresi : http://sanayi.tobb.org.tr/