Güncelleme Tarihi: 03 Nisan 2018

Gösterim: 5369

Fen Bilimleri ve Temel Bilimler Veritabanları

BioMed Central

Over 100 Open Access journals covering all areas of Biology and Medicine

Access Address : https://www.biomedcentral.com/

Directory of Open Access Journals

         Agriculture and Food Sciences Arts and Architecture Biology and Life Sciences Business and Economics Chemistry Earth and Environmental Sciences Health Sciences History and Archaeology Languages and Literatures Law and Political Science Mathematics and statistics Philosophy and Religion Physics and Astronomy Social Sciences Technology and Engineering General Works konularında aralarında hakemli olanlarında bulunduğu 3271 dergiyi içeren serbest erişimli bir veri tabanıdır.

Erişim Adresi : https://doaj.org/


     The planning and initial expert consultancies for Ecocrop took place in 1991 and the actual work on the database started in July 1992. The database was developed by the Land and Water Development Division of FAO (AGLL) as a tool to identify plant species for given environments and uses, and as an information system contributing to a Land Use Planning concept.

Access Address : http://ecocrop.fao.org/ecocrop/srv/en/home

Index to American Botanical Literature

      The Index to American Botanical Literature has provided a service to the American botanical community for over a century, published initially in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club and subsequently in Brittonia. Beginning in 1886, when Elizabeth Britton of The New York Botanical Garden was editor, the Index has provided bibliographic data both on books and articles in periodicals. In 1999, the Index went to an entirely electronic format.

Access Address : http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/iabl/

Mineralogy Database

     Mineral data for individual species are linked to mineral tables by crystallography, crystal structures, X-Ray powder diffraction, chemical composition, physical and optical properties, Dana's New classification, Strunz classification, mineral specimen images, and alphabetical listings of mineral species. There also are extensive links to other external sources of mineral data and information.

Access Address :http://www.webmineral.com/


     PubChem- The granddaddy of all free chemistry databases. Search over 8 million compounds by a variety of criteria. Although some PubChem records are linked into the primary literature through MeSH, most are not. But this doesn't seem to be PubChem's true calling. Instead, PubChem may well evolve into the world's largest online collection of molecular data sheets. Increasingly, the other databases in this list are cross-referencing their entries into PubChem. PubChem's entire database can be downloaded by FTP. CAS Registry are correct to see PubChem as the first real competition they've had in decades.

Access Address :https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

Science.gov : FirstGov for Science - Governmet Science Portal

     Agriculture & Food, Applied Science & Technologies, Astronomy & Space , Biology & Nature, Computers & Communication, Earth & Ocean Sciences, Energy & Energy Conservation, Environment & Environmental Quality, Health & Medicine, Math, Physics, & Chemistry, Natural Resources & Conservation, Science Education.

Access Address :https://www.science.gov/

Search FishBase


Searchable global database containing information on 25585 species (110000 common names), 71000 synonyms, 28000 photos, and 21000 references.

Access Address :http://www.fishbase.org/search.php

SORA - Searchable Ornithological Research Archive

    The SORA project (http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora) is an open access electronic journal archive and is the product of a collaboration between the American Ornithologists Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society, the Association of Field Ornithologists, the Wilson Ornithological Society and the University of New Mexico libraries and IT department. This archive provides access to an extensive Ornithological literature of international scope, and detailed material documenting the history of Ornithology in North America over the last 120 years. The content of this site includes the following titles: The Auk (1884-1999), The Condor (1899-2000), The Journal of Field Ornithology (1930-1999), The North American Bird Bander (1976-2000), Pacific Coast Avifauna (1900-1974), Studies in Avian Biology (1978-1999), and The Wilson Bulletin (1889-1999). Also available with browse-only capability is Ornithologia Neotropical; we hope to be able to index this journal soon, and include searching across its contents. We hope to be able to expand the content available as more Societies and journals join

Access Address :https://sora.unm.edu/

The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System

     The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is a Digital Library portal for researchers in Astronomy and Physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. The ADS maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 6.4 million records: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and arXiv e-prints. The main body of data in the ADS consists of bibliographic records, which are searchable through highly customizable query forms, and full-text scans of much of the astronomical literature which can be browsed or searched via our full-text search interface. Integrated in its databases, the ADS provides access and pointers to a wealth of external resources, including electronic articles, data catalogs and archives. We currently have links to over 6.9 million records maintained by our collaborators.

Access Address :http://adswww.harvard.edu/

ULAKBİM Tarım, Veteriner ve Biyoloji Bilimleri Veritabanı

     Ülkemizde Tarım, Ormancılık, Veterinerlik, Hayvancılık ve Biyoloji alanlarında yayınlanan dergileri içermektedir. 2001 tarihinden itibaren veri tabanına girecek dergiler dergi değerlendirme kriterlerine uygun olarak belirlenmektedir.

Erişim Adresi : http://cabim.ulakbim.gov.tr/tr-dizin/